One Tribe 2 Settembre 2011 – Pubblicato in: Cool Stuff – Tags: musica, one tribe, peace, smileriot, the black eyed peas
Ci sono canzoni che ascolteresti all’infinito, ti piacciono non perchè ci siano dei tecnicismi musicali sopraffini…no,no, ti piacciono di pancia e dunque possono anche essere delle tamarrate pazzesche! Questo generalmente scatena schifo a “chi ne sa”, ma è la musica pop bro, take it easy. Certamente alcune cose dovrebbero essere vietate da qualche convenzione mondiale e qui mi fermo, ci siamo capiti.
Tornando alla prima frase, il fatto di ascoltare un sola canzone in loop a me sta succedendo con un testo dei The Black Eyed Peas, band piuttosto tamarro/glam che amo fortissimamente si chiama One Tribe, non esiste il video e fa parte del pluri premiato The E.N.D .
Ve la faccio ascoltare in questo primo venerdì dell’anno, come buon auspicio.
E qui sotto il testo:
One Tri…
One Tri…
One Tribe, one time, one planet, one race
It’s all one blood, don’t care about your face
The color of your eye or the tone of your skin
Don’t care where ya are
Don’t care where ya been
Cause where we gonna go
Is where we wanna be
The place where the little language is unity
And the continent is called Pangaea
And the main ideas are connected like a spear
No propaganda, They tried to upper hand us
Cause man I’m loving this peace
Man, man, I’m loving this peace
Man, man, I’m loving this peace
I don’t need no leader
That’s gonna force feed a
Concept that make me think I need to
Fear my brother and fear my sister
And shoot my neighbor or my big missile
If I had an enemy to {enemy}
If I had an enemy to {enemy}
If I had an enemy, then my enemy is gonna try to come and kill me
Cause I’m his enemy
There’s one tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
We are one people
Let’s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil
Forget about all that evil, that evil that they feed ya
Let’s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil
That evil that they feed ya
Remember that we’re one people
We are one people
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One tribe, one tribe
One tribe, one time, one planet, one {race}
Race, one love, one people, one {and}
Too many things that’s causing one {to}
To forget about the main cause
Connecting, uniting
But the evil is seen and alive in us
So our hopes are colliding
And our peace is sinking like Poseidon
But, we know that the one {one}
The evil one is threatened by the sum {sum}
So he’ll come and try and separate the sum
But he dumb, he didn’t know we had a way to overcome
Rejuvenated by the beating of the drum
Come together by the cycle of the hum
Freedom when all become one {one}
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
We are one people
Let’s cast amnesia
Forget about all that evil {evil}
Forget about all that evil {evil}
That evil that they feed ya
Let’s cast amnesia
Forget about all that evil {evil}
That evil, that they feed ya {feed ya}
Remember that we’re one people
We are one people
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One love, one blood, one people
One heart, one beat, we equal
Connected like the internet
United that’s how we do
Let’s break walls, so we see through
Let love and peace lead you
We could overcome the complication cause we need to
Help each other, make these changes
Brother, sister, rearrange this
The way I’m thinking that we can change this bad condition
Wait, use you mind and not your greed
Let’s connect and then proceed
This is something I believe
We are one, we’re all just people
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
One tribe ya’ll
We are one people
Let’s cast amnesia
Forget about all that evil
Forget about all that evil, that evil that they feed ya
Let’s cast amnesia
Let’s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil
That evil, that they feed ya
We’re one tribe ya’ll
We people, we people
One tribe ya’ll
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
One people, one people {One People}
Let’s, let’s cast amnesia
Lord help me out
Trying to figure out what it’s all about {what it’s all about}
Cause we’re one in the same {one in the same}
Same joy, same pain
And I hope that you’re there when I need ya
Cause maybe we need amnesia
And I don’t wanna sound like a preacher
But we need to be one
One world, one love, one passion
One tribe, one understanding
Cause you and me can become one
alessia Settembre 02, 2011 - 11:13
no va beh, se volete cominciamo e non finiamo più.
Thomas Magnum Settembre 08, 2011 - 14:15
Che i BEP si sono intamarriti oltre ogni previsione ma poi sfornano pezzi così allora bè, throw yo handz up.
Però questa ve la giro, sennò sembra che li stimo e invece io sono uno “che ne sa” :)))