Belli fuori pt.2 23 Settembre 2011 – Pubblicato in: Funky Projects

Due giornate di Milano Fashion week, due giornate di  straordinaria follia che  Camilla ed io abbiamo voluto riassumere con una frase, scritta in un bar, dopo esserci scambiate le nostre impressioni e milioni di parole.
Two days during Milano Fashion Week, two extra ordinary madness days that Camilla and I resumed in a sentence, wrote down in a café, after comparing notes and talked a million words.

Day 1

Fashion is the reflection of society or the message to society , your sending out your mirror.


Day 2

Fashion is a point of view, sometimes dominated by a collective glance , sometimes beaten by my slight (gracious?) squint.

Grazie ancora a Privalia, per l’opportunità, a lomography e Gas.